Gas Fireplace Ignition Systems

Vent Free Fireplace Ignition Systems

Vent Free Millivolt Ignition

Vent Free Millivolt IgnitionMillivolt ignition systems use a standing pilot light. This type of ignition system does not require any external power. Millivolt ignitions are also remote ready and can accommodate anything from a simple on/off wall switch to a programable thermostatic remote. The pilot light can be turned off for extended periods of non-use and them re-ignited when needed. Millivolt are the most common ignition type on the market. Be sure to check local code as not all locals allow for standing pilot lights.

Vent Free Thermostatic Ignition

Vent Free Thermostatic IgnitionThermostatic ignition systems use a standing pilot light. This type of ignition system does not require any external power. Thermostatic ignitions control the fire by either turning the unit on and off or modulating the flame height in order to maintain a preset level. The pilot light can be turned off for extended periods of non-use and them re-ignited when needed. The thermostat for the unit is located inside the fireplace so the unit reads the temperature only within the fireplace.

Log and Burner Set Ignition Systems

Log and Burner Set Match Light Ignition

Log and Burner Set Match Light IgnitionMatch Light Ignitions are just as they sound. This type of ignition requires that the burner be lit manually with either a match, lighter or some other source. Match light units do not have a pilot light and also has no oxygen depletion sensor. Match light log and burner sets are becoming less and less common.

Log and Burner Set Manual Ignition

Log and Burner Set Match Light IgnitionManual Ignitions Use a mechanical or battery operated Piezo ignitor. This type of ignition uses the Piezo to generate a spark and ignite the pilot light. Manual ignition systems include an oxygen depletion sensor on all vent free units for added safety.

Log and Burner Set Millivolt Ignition

Log and Burner Set Millivolt IgnitionMillivolt ignition systems use a standing pilot light. This type of ignition system does not require any external power. Millivolt ignitions are also remote ready and can accommodate anything from a simple on/off wall switch to a programable thermostatic remote. The pilot light can be turned off for extended periods of non-use and them re-ignited when needed. Millivolt vent free log and burner sets include an oxygen depletion sensor. Be sure to check local code as not all locals allow for standing pilot lights.

Log and Burner Set Millivolt Ignition With Remote

Log and Burner Set Millivolt IgnitionMillivolt ignition systems use a standing pilot light. This type of ignition system does not require any external power. Millivolt ignitions with remote include a specialized remote that is designed to control flame height. This type of remote is only available with this ignition type. The pilot light can be turned off for extended periods of non-use and them re-ignited when needed. Millivolt vent free log and burner sets include an oxygen depletion sensor. Be sure to check local code as not all locals allow for standing pilot lights.

Log and Burner Set Intermittent Ignition With Remote

Log and Burner Set Intermittent Pilot Ignition With RemoteIntermittent pilot electronic ignition systems are a battery powered electronic ignition system which include a remote. Intermittent pilot ignitions with remote include a specialized remote that is able to control flame height. This type of remote is only available with this ignition type. Intermittent pilot ignitions operate as follows, once the fire is turned on by the user an electronic signal first turns on the pilot light. After the pilot light is confirmed on the electronic unit then allows for the burner to open. Intermittent pilot vent free log and burner sets include an oxygen depletion sensor. by JBS Retail - Copyright © 2025 All Rights Reserved